This is a new test of
As with the previous posts here, this post does not contain any useful information.
I will, however, at some point post some real content here.
This is a new test of
As with the previous posts here, this post does not contain any useful information.
I will, however, at some point post some real content here.
This is a test post.
This post is not supposed to contain any useful information. I'm just testing the platform.
Here is some source code:
(defun render-op-list (stream maxima-sym displayed-sym exprs)
(with-aligned-rendering (stream)
(iterate-exprs (expr exprs maxima-sym :first-sym first)
(unless first
(aligned-spacing 0.2)
(render-aligned-string "~a" displayed-sym)
(aligned-spacing 0.2))
(render-aligned () (render-maxima-expression stream expr)))))
Just a test of
This is not an actual blog post, but rather just a test of the platform.
I'd like to write actual blog posts, but I don't know if I have the time or dedication to do so. But, if I actually do it, I'll probably try this one.